Monday, July 9, 2007

Ron Paul 2008

A candidate that has been receiving little attention on the airwaves, is receiving an unprecedented amount of attention online, where the people have a say in what goes on, not the new corporations. With a message of non intervention foreign policy, no nation building, and basically getting out of the affairs of other countries, Ron Paul is a candidate that will bring this country out of the hole it's currently in, and raise it to one that is respected and a promoter of peace, rather than war.

Government continues to grow larger, and we are becoming more reliant on it, as our freedoms are being taken away, with things such as the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act (which suspended habeas corpus), among many other things. We're sacrificing freedom for safety, and being deceived into thinking we're in this global war on terror, which is simply a tool to keep people afraid, so that we'll willingly give up our freedoms. Ron Paul seeks to restore the government to what it truly should be, a device of the people, not the other way around.

Please, if you get the chance, watch and read more about this candidate at the following links:

Offical Ron Paul Website:
Ron Paul in Iowa:
Ron Paul in CNN debate:
CNN's "Situation Room":
Ron Paul's Youtube Page:

I promise you won't be disappointed by what you see, and if you would like to know more about Ron Paul, simply look him up on the internet.

Thank you!

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